TIMMI Smart City

Level 1 Smart Tools

TIMMI Software is one of the most used solutions in Finnish municipalities for a good reason: a tool tailored to the task makes serving the citizens easy and efficient.

Optimize Efficiency with Predefined Services

Smart Cityn tasot

Traditionally, municipal services were delivered through pen, paper, and dedicated employees. But now, it's time to take the next leap forward into a smart municipal system by integrating digital tools that enhance everyday life. With the surge in demand for online services, digitalization has become paramount. Already, an impressive 89% of sports and leisure services are available online, revolutionizing accessibility.

At TIMMI Software, we understand the need for efficient online services. Our purpose-built tools empower municipal professionals to streamline their workflows, enabling more efficient and enjoyable work experiences. It's no wonder that Timmi is the preferred e-services solution in Finland's largest cities. We're committed to delivering tailor-made solutions that simplify and expedite citizen service, putting user satisfaction at the forefront.

Digitalization, to us, means delivering better services with less effort. TIMMI Software equips municipalities with cost-effective solutions that cater to citizens' needs while ensuring employee convenience.

Seamless Communication between Citizens and Service Providers 

With Timmi, connecting residents with the services they need has never been simpler. Our software enables citizens to easily discover and book services that align with their specific requirements. Service providers play a crucial role in delivering the requested services, ensuring they meet the necessary conditions. The entire interaction is seamlessly facilitated by our user-friendly software, simplifying the process of finding and accessing services.

To support service provision, the IT department takes charge of acquiring the essential tools and technologies. With Timmi, municipalities can streamline their service delivery process, enhancing the overall experience for citizens and ensuring efficient communication between residents and service providers.

Less manual work, more time for people

In the era of digitalization, the efficiency of delivering predefined services has skyrocketed. Experience the advantage of digital tools that not only save valuable time for municipal employees but also alleviate the burden of manual tasks such as reservation management and invoicing. By automating these laborious processes, more time can be dedicated to meaningful interactions with people.

  • Functional tools optimize everyday operations
  • User-friendly software makes life easier

Comprehensive solutions

Smart Cityn tasot

Timmi offers a diverse range of solutions meticulously designed to address various requirements. One such standout solution is TIMMI Room Management Software, which has remained at the forefront of its field since the 2000s. With this robust room management software, the entire process of booking premises becomes a seamless journey from start to finish.

Experience the efficiency of digital reservation management, eliminating the need for extensive manual work. From effortlessly managing reservations to promptly informing customers of any changes, handling invoicing, and generating insightful statistics, every aspect is seamlessly handled within the software.

Smart tools for municipalities

  • TIMMI Room Management Software
  • TIMMI Course Software
  • TIMMI Cash Software
  • TIMMI Marina Software
  • TIMMI Billing Software
  • TIMMI Scheduling Software 
  • TIMMI Grant Software

Timmi smart city taso 1

At level 1, the resident talks to the worker through the software

Timmi Quote mark
“Kehittäminen tähtää viime kädessä siihen, että tilat olisivat mahdollisimman laajassa käytössä. Siihen liittyy se, että kuntalainen pystyy mahdollisimman helposti ja samasta paikasta varaamaan tiloja.”
Ville Miettinen
Vantaan kaupunki
Timmi Quote mark
“Suurin osa kyselyyn vastanneista on tyytyväisiä tai erittäin tyytyväisiä tilojen varaamiseen TIMMI-ohjelmiston kautta. Ylipäätään varausjärjestelmään ollaan tyytyväisiä, mikä näkyy myös varausjärjestelmälle annetuissa arvosanoissa.”
Milla Porkka
Laatu- ja kehittämisasiantuntija
Kuopion kaupunki
Timmi Quote mark
On ollut mukava kuulla palautteista, että TIMMI Tilavarausohjelmiston kautta varaaminen on selkeää ja helppoa.
Pasi Halme
Lahden kaupunki
Timmi Quote mark
Asiakkailta on saatu lähes yksinomaan positiivista palautetta.
Petri Ruotsalainen
Lappeenrannan kaupunki
Timmi Quote mark
“Näemme varauksista, milloin kenttä on käytössä ja saamme tietoa päätöksenteon tueksi. Kun mahdollista energiapulaa mietitään, niin on hyvä, jos pystytään näyttämään, että kenttä on käytössä ja sillä perustelemaan sen kunnossapitoa. Siksi tarvitaan TIMMI Tilavarausohjelmistoa: ihmiset voivat varata liikuntavuoroja ja toisaalta me voimme seurata kenttien käyttöä!”
Antti Nousiainen
Sipoon kunta
Timmi Quote mark
“Päädyimme virtaviivaistamaan palvelua ja siirtämään kaikki yhden Kotkan kaupungin hallintoalueen alle. Varaajankin näkökulmasta on selkeämpää, että on vain yksi hallintoalue.”
Eija Grönholm
Kotkan kaupunki

Let's build a package to fit your needs

Space reservation

Reservation management is used to manage reservations at an operational level. This saves significant amounts of time, as it is easy to manage reservations and inform customers of changes. Invoicing and statistics are handled digitally without extensive manual work.

Scheduling for Personnel

With our advanced Scheduling Management Software, individuals can effortlessly coordinate schedules, rooms, and customers, ensuring everyone is in the right place at the right time. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual coordination and embrace a time-saving solution.

Cash software

TIMMI Cash Software can work either independently or integrated into the overall TIMMI system. With a wide range of statistics and reports, cash flows can be monitored more accurately than with stand-alone cash registers or manual systems. The software provides the flexibility to manage both cash and invoice sales. The sale, control and use of different types of (seasonal) cards can also be automated.

Billing Software

Billing Software is an easy way to turn the hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of reservations in your calendar into billable material without manual work. Usually, invoicing software is connected to an external financial management system.


The Courses module allows you to manage different courses at an operational level. You can save a lot of time by easily managing enrolments and informing your customers about changes. Invoicing and statistics are handled digitally without extensive manual work.

Marina Software

Streamline your marina operations with TIMMI Marina Software. Our comprehensive solution provides a range of features to simplify booking berths, managing registrations, invoicing, and reporting. With the integration of Suomi.fi service, secure identification of registered customers is made seamless. The software is fully web-based.


Now you can manage grant applications with operational software. You'll save significant amounts of time by automatically tracking your grant budget and easily simulating the impact of your decisions on the amounts distributed. Communication to customers is easy and grant payments are made digitally without extensive manual work.

Smart Space Reservation

Facility usage is made seamless: A service chain is provided for citizens to use the facilities, including reservations, payments and e-services.

Scheduling for Personnel

With our advanced Scheduling Management Software, individuals can effortlessly coordinate schedules, rooms, and customers, ensuring everyone is in the right place at the right time. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual coordination and embrace a time-saving solution.

Self-service kiosk

With TIMMI Self-service kiosk, you can easily and securely log in for your own appointment, or queue for a service point. These kiosks can reduce congestion during peak hours and provide service even outside cash desk opening hours.

Doorway display

As the name implies, the doorway display is located on the side of the door. It indicates the reservations for that space.

Information Display

Information displays can be used, for example, to inform about bookings or free time in a building or space.

Smart Grants Management

Smart Grant Management provides a seamless way for citizens to apply for grants. The module includes electronic services for applying for grants and monitoring the processing of applications, as well as the payment of grants through the transmission of payment data to financial management systems.

Course Enrolment

Experience a seamless service chain for course enrolment with our innovative solution. By leveraging robust authentication measures, we ensure that the identity of registered customers is accurate and up-to-date, facilitating efficient billing and payment control. With self-service capabilities enabled by our e-service platform, operational users save significant time as enrolments seamlessly enter the system electronically. Embrace the benefits of online payment, reducing invoicing costs and improving the cash cycle.


TIMMI system can also be integrated with other softwares. In this way, you get the full benefit of the systems in your environment and the information you need flows smoothly between the different software


Mobile is an easy way to check what's happening and when in different spaces.

Access control

Access control is used, for example, in sports halls and gyms. Door access control can also be used in many other places, such as the outside doors of school sports halls.

TIMMI Spacebook

Would you like to create a better sense of community among your fellow citizens? Would you like to support micro-entrepreneurship or hobby clubs? Do you want to make an increasing number of spaces more accessible to local people and increase occupancy rates? Check out the TIMMI Spacebook.


TIMMI Identity Management allows you to manage the identity of an individuala individual person, device or system. It can be used to authenticate the identity and resources associated with a person. Identity management integrates perfectly with the ecosystem provided by the municipality.

TIMMI Smart City

TIMMI Smart City brings together all the facilities managed by the municipality in one central location. The tools used for facilities management provide data to support decision-making. All work that can be reasonably automated is automated.

You managed to open a portal to another dimension. If I were you, I'd run and run hard!

You managed to open a portal to another dimension. If I were you, I'd run and run hard!

You managed to open a portal to another dimension. If I were you, I'd run and run hard!

You managed to open a portal to another dimension. If I were you, I'd run and run hard!

You managed to open a portal to another dimension. If I were you, I'd run and run hard!

Feel free to contact us!

Jani Asikainen
+358 50 434 2803

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