TIMMI Smart Hospital
TIMMI Software already facilitates the everyday life of more than 100 Finnish companies, healthcare facilities and public administration organizations. Customer experience and user-friendliness are close to our hearts. That's why we develop our services and products together with customers - with decades of experience.
Teknologia ei korvaa ihmistä terveydenhoidossa
Sysmän kunta päätti kokonaisulkoistuksen olevan heille paras ratkaisu sotepalveluiden tuottamiseen, ja Terveystalo voitti kilpailutuksen.
Pystymme yksinkertaistamaan asiakkaiden kulkua ja vähentämään tarvetta käydä palvelutiskillä.
Toteutetut ominaisuudet
No items found.
Pirte Occupational Health and Medical Centre
Smarter clinic in just 7 weeks
Pirte decided to implement a reform that would raise the company's operations to a whole new level.
Occupancy of facilities
Customer Experience (NPS)
We have introduced TIMMI Smart Hospital in our second office and we plan to deploy it in our other locations as well.
Toteutetut ominaisuudet
Queue Management
Automated room management
Self-service kiosk
Feel free to contact us!
Jukka Valkonen
+358 50 557 8113
Feel free to send a message. We're not giving you a sales rant. At most, we are avid engineers. Messages on this form are answered by our agent Jukka.